Newsletter on European Free Movement Issues

NEFIS is a newsletter designed for judges who need to keep up to date with EU developments easily accessible, up-to-date information on the latest developments in the fields of EU citizenship and free movement of persons.
This contains all European legislation and jurisprudence on access and residence rights of EU citizens and their family members as well as relevant national judgments on the interpretation of this legislation.
NEFIS covers the following specific issues:
  • exit and entry
  • residence
  • equal treatment
  • loss of rights
  • family members, and
  • procedural rights

  • This newsletter is cumulative: it contains all relevant, updated, info from previous editions.

    • NEMIS: on European Migration Issues
    • NEAIS: on European Asuylum Issues
    • CJEU: overview of CJEU judgments and pending cases on migration

    2024 (Vol. 6) NEFIS 2024/2 (Jun 2024)
    NEFIS 2024/1 (Mar 2024)

    2023 (Vol. 5) NEFIS 2023/4 (Dec 2023)
    NEFIS 2023/3 (Sep 2023)
    NEFIS 2023/2 (Jun 2023)
    NEFIS 2023/1 (Mar 2023)

    2022 (Vol. 4) NEFIS 2022/4 (Dec 2022)
    NEFIS 2022/3 (Sep 2022)
    NEFIS 2022/2 (Jun 2022)
    NEFIS 2022/1 (Mar 2022)

    2021 (Vol. 3) NEFIS 2021/4 (Dec 2021)
    NEFIS 2021/3 (Sep 2021)
    NEFIS 2021/2 (June 2021)
    NEFIS 2021/1 (March 2021)

    2020 (Vol. 2) NEFIS 2020/4 (December 2020)
    NEFIS 2020/3 (September 2020)
    NEFIS 2020/2 (June 2020)
    NEFIS 2020/1 (March 2020)

    2019 (Vol. 1) NEFIS 2019/4 (December 2019)
    NEFIS 2019/3 (September 2019)
    NEFIS 2019/2 (June 2019)
    NEFIS 2019/1 (March 2019)

    Editorial Board Carolus Grütters CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Paul MinderhoudCMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Sandra MantuCMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Helen Oosterom-StaplesTilburg University (NL)
    Kees GroenendijkCMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Elspeth Guild CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Tesseltje De Lange CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Steve Peers University of London (UK)
    Bostjan Zalar President Europe Chapter IARMJ

    See also NEAIS: Newsletter on European Asylum Issues and
    NEMIS: Newsletter on European Migration Issues
    DiCTA: a Digital Case Tool on Asylum
    sign up for this newsletter