Newsletter on European Free Movement Issues

NEFIS is a newsletter designed for judges who need to keep up to date with EU developments easily accessible, up-to-date information on the latest developments in the fields of EU citizenship and free movement of persons.

NEFIS covers the following specific issues:
  • exit and entry
  • residence
  • equal treatment
  • loss of rights
  • family members, and
  • procedural rights
This newsletter is cumulative: it contains all relevant, updated, info from previous editions.

Also check our other Newsletters

  • NEMIS: on European Migration Issues
  • NEAIS: on European Asuylum Issues
  • CJEU: overview of CJEU judgments and pending cases on migration

2024 (Vol. 6) NEFIS 2024/4 (Dec 2024)
NEFIS 2024/3 (Sep 2024)
NEFIS 2024/2 (Jun 2024)
NEFIS 2024/1 (Mar 2024)

2023 (Vol. 5) NEFIS 2023/4 (Dec 2023)
NEFIS 2023/3 (Sep 2023)
NEFIS 2023/2 (Jun 2023)
NEFIS 2023/1 (Mar 2023)

2022 (Vol. 4) NEFIS 2022/4 (Dec 2022)
NEFIS 2022/3 (Sep 2022)
NEFIS 2022/2 (Jun 2022)
NEFIS 2022/1 (Mar 2022)

2021 (Vol. 3) NEFIS 2021/4 (Dec 2021)
NEFIS 2021/3 (Sep 2021)
NEFIS 2021/2 (June 2021)
NEFIS 2021/1 (March 2021)

2020 (Vol. 2) NEFIS 2020/4 (December 2020)
NEFIS 2020/3 (September 2020)
NEFIS 2020/2 (June 2020)
NEFIS 2020/1 (March 2020)

2019 (Vol. 1) NEFIS 2019/4 (December 2019)
NEFIS 2019/3 (September 2019)
NEFIS 2019/2 (June 2019)
NEFIS 2019/1 (March 2019)

Editorial Board Carolus Grütters CMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Paul MinderhoudCMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Sandra MantuCMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Helen Oosterom-StaplesTilburg University (NL)
Kees GroenendijkCMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Elspeth Guild CMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Tesseltje De Lange CMR - Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
Steve Peers University of London (UK)
Bostjan Zalar Past President Europe Chapter IARMJ

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