Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

Centrum voor Migratierecht - Documentatie

Documentation Database: Relevant Documents

date language title (short) reference

October 2024 Migration? It's the Economy Stupid!
The Missing Link in the Migration Law Debate
Report (Preadvies) at the request of the KNVIR (Dutch Association for International Law

September 2023 Temporary Protection Dir. Book: Proceedings seminar 20 January 2023

November 2022 Habeas Corpus Jurisprudentie overzicht ABRvS inzake Habeas Corpus.
David Kuiper (bijgewerkt t/m okt. 2022)

November 2022 Plan KAN Kleinschalige Asielopvang Nederland
Een blauwdruk voor structurele asielopvang in alle gemeenten in Nederland.
Ook nog eens uitgelegd in een video

Juni 2022 Gebruik de Huisvestingswet Asielopvang in alle gemeenten in Nederland.
Een notitie voor de Vaste kamercommissie van Justitie & Veiligheid van 29/6/22

Januari 2022 Oratie Paul Minderhoud Het Doorgeslagen Koppelingsbeginsel (26/1/22)

Juli 2021 Naturalisatie Pardonners Beleidswijziging: Pardonners (RANOV) zijn vrijgesteld van paspoortvereiste

Mei 2021 4 en 5 mei De menselijke Maat nogmaals bezien in de context van 4 en 5 mei

April 2021 Ongezien Onrecht Ongezien Onrecht in het Vreemdelingenrecht. De parallellen met het rapport Ongehoord Onrecht

November 2019 Global Compact (1) The Global Compact as a milestone in global governance of migration
Elspeth Guild

November 2019 Global Compact (2) The UN’s Search for a Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
Elspeth Guild

September 2019 Kinderpardon Vier tekstvarianten van de Kinderpardonregeling :
  • de Overgangsregeling in de (oude) Vc 2000: B22/3 (WBV 2013/1)
  • de Definitieve regeling in de (oude) Vc 2000: B22/2
  • de Definitieve regeling in de (nieuwe) Vc 2013: B9/5
  • de Afsluitingsregeling in de (nieuwe) Vc 2013: B9/6 (WBV 2019/1)

  • June 2019 Rapport Onderzoekscommissie Langdurig verblijvende vreemdelingen zonder bestendig verblijfsrecht
    Commissie van Zwol

    October 2018 Brexit and Migration Study, at the request of the EP, on the future relationship between the UK and the EU following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in the field of migration (excluding asylum), including future movement of EU citizens and UK nationals between the EU and UK, also investigating the role of the Court of Justice of the EU.

    December 2016 Implementation of the hotspots in Italy and Greed A study by Aspasia Papadopoulou at the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)

    November 2016 Promoting Fair Migration General Survey of ILO

    March 2014 Overzicht van Groepsgebonden Beschermingsbeleidsmaatregelen Overzicht over de periode 1990-2014

    March 2012 Lives Lost in the Mediterranean Sea Report
    by Tineke Strik, Rapporteur of Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons of Parliamentary Assembly

    September 2011 Visa Policy towards Turks Report Second and Revised Edition
    on the visa policy of member states and the EU towards Turkish nationals after Soysal
    by Kees Groenendijk & Elspeth Guild
    !! Filesize is 18 Mb !!

    March 2011 CJEU on EU citizenship Comments by Elspeth Guild
    on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Zambrano case (C-34/09) on EU citizenship.

    Januari 2011 Cie. Meijers over regeerakkoord (2) Notitie (2) (CM1101) van de Commissie Meijers over de internationaal- en europeesrechtelijke aspecten van de voorgenomen maatregelen van het kabinet Rutte

    November 2010 Cie. Meijers over regeerakkoord (1) Notitie (1) (CM1016) van de Commissie Meijers over de internationaal- en europeesrechtelijke aspecten van de voorgenomen maatregelen van het kabinet Rutte

    November 2010 Detention of Aliens Report by Amnesty International

    October 2010 Remarks at Dutch Coalition agreement Remarks by Kees Groenendijk

    September 2010 Regeer- en gedoogakkoord Regeerakkoord en Gedoogakkoord
    van CDA, PVV en VVD van 30 september 2010.

    May 2010 Kosten van Immigratie Rapport van NYFER over de
    "Bugettaire effecten van immigratie van niet-westerse allochtonen"

    April 2010 Migration-Related Identity Fraud Study by the CMR on Migration-Related Identity Fraud in Germany, UK, Belgium, France, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Sweden, Canada and Australia.
    Report by Carolus Grütters and Karin Zwaan at the request of the Dutch Advisory Committee on Alien Affairs (ACVZ)

    April 2010 Bezuinigingen Bezuinigingsvoorstellen van de ambtelijke werkgroepen op het terrein van asiel, immigratie en integratie

    March 2010 Visa Policy towards Turks Report on the visa policy of member states and the EU towards Turkish nationals after Soysal
    by Kees Groenendijk & Elspeth Guild

    March 2010 Commissioner Hammarberg intervenes in asylum cases Commissioner Hammarberg intervenes before the Strasbourg Court in asylum cases concerning the Netherlands and Greece
    Full text of the intervention

    March 2010 Who's Right(s)? International Monitoring of Compliance with Human Rights of Migrants in the Netherlands 2000-2008
    by Dominique van Dam (Published by FORUM, Utrecht, NL)

    February 2010 Criminalisation of Migration in Europe: Human Rights Implications Issue Paper
    by Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

    December 2009 Stockholm Program The Agenda of the European Council for 2010-2014 in the area of Freedo, Security and Justice

    October 2009 Asylum & Immigration Tribunal Decision of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (UK) on the appeal of (Dutch) MP Wilders against the refusal of the UK (in feb 2009) to admit him in the UK.
    Or try this link to the site of the Tribunal.

    June 2009 Interim Measures of ECHR The ECRE Information note on interim Measures (Rule 39) to stop Dublin transfers

    May 2009 CEPS Background Briefings (4) The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Justice and Home Affairs Section has produced four Background Briefings dealing with immigration, asylum, borders and data protection as part of a project on “Informing the Immigration Debate: Preparing for the European Parliament Elections 4-7 June” supported by the Barrow Cadbury Trust, an independent charitable foundation
    May 2009 CEPS: Immigration Background Briefing on Immigration
    by: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera and Alejandro Eggenschwiler
    May 2009 CEPS: Asylum Background Briefing on Asylum
    by: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera and Alejandro Eggenschwiler
    May 2009 CEPS: Borders Background Briefing on Borders
    by: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera and Alejandro Eggenschwiler
    May 2009 CEPS: Data Protection Background Briefing on Data Protection
    by: Elspeth Guild, Sergio Carrera and Alejandro Eggenschwiler

    February 2009 Interpretatie Definitierichtlijn Case Law: Beantwoording prejudiciele vraag ABRvS
    mbt art 15c Definitie Richtlijn (2004/83/EG) (Minimumnormen voor erkenning als vluchteling resp. subsidiaire bescherming) Elgafaji arrest 17 feb. 2009 (EHvJ)

    February 2009 Safe Third Country and Canada Case Law: Supreme Court of Canada denied permission
    to human-rights groups to argue their case against the so-called "Safe Third Country" agreement.

    February 2009 Human Rights in Greece Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the COuncil of Europe, following his visit to Greece 8-10 Decmeber 2008

    January 2009 Dentention in South Africa Monitoring Immigration Detention in South Africa, Lawyers for Human Rights

    December 2008 Proposal for a Regulation
    Com(2008) 825/3
    Regulation, concerning EURODAC (fingerprints)
    Proposal for a Regulation
    Com(2008) 820
    Regulation, establishing criteria for Member State responsiblility for examining an application for protection by third-country national of stateless person
    Proposal for a Directive
    Com(2008) 815
    Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers

    October 2008 Impact of Qualification Directive ECRE Report on The Impact of the EU qualification Directive on International Protection

    October 2008 Evaluation of the Family Reunification Directive (2003/86/EC) Report Com(2008) 610/3

    See also the CMR report on the implementation of the Family Directive
    See also the Questionnaire on the Family Reunification Directive

    June 2008 The Netherlands: The detention of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers Amnesty International Report

    September 2008 Human Rights report on asylum-seekers and immigrants in the UK Memorandum of Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights

    August 2008 Database of Case Law EU Migration Law Feasibility study

    August 2008 Databank met EG-Migratierecht jurisprudentie Haalbaarheidsstudie

    June 2008 Blauwdruk Modern Migratiebeleid Beleidsdocument van de Ministerraad (Balkenende IV) mbt Migratie
    Bijlage bij TK 30573 nr 10 (101 blz)
    Nadere toelichting (vragen vaste Kamerecommissie Justitie, antwoorden SvJ): TK 30573 nr 13
    Dutch policy document on Modern Migration

    June 2008 Immigration in Europe Comparative Study of the Laws in the 27 EU Member States for Legal Immigration Including an Assessment of the Conditions and Formalities Imposed by Each Member State for Newcomers
    ps: Large file: 568 pages

    May 2008 Immigration Abroad Act Human Rights Watch Report: The Netherlands, Discrimination in the Name of Integration Migrants’ Rights under the Integration Abroad Act

    January 2008 Pacte europeen sur l'immigration et l'asile Pacte Europeen de Sarkozy

    December 2007 Lisbon Treaty Draft Consolidated texts of the Treaty of the European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community (made by the Institute of European Affairs in Ireland)

    November 2007 USA is NO safe country Case Law: 2007.FC.1262
    Federal Court of Canada, JUSTICE Phelan, on the issue whether the USA is a 'Third Safe Country'.

    June 2007 Common European Asylum System (green paper) COM 2007-301

    June 2007 Dublin System Evaluation COM 2007-299

    June 2007 Annex to evaluation of Dublin System SEC 2007-742

    May 2007 Report on Family Reunification Directive
    CMR Report The Family Reunification Directive in EU member states: First Year of Implementation
    CMR report by Groenendijk, Fernhout, van Dam, van Oers & Strik.

    Summer 2007 Right of Union citizens and their family members to move and reside freely within the Union
    Report EC:
    Guide on how to get the best out of Directive 2004/38/EC

    February 2007 Free Movement of Workers in the Member States
    Report by CMR: European Report on Free Movement of Workers in Europe in 2005
    Comments: Comments of Governments of member states

    February 2007 Monitor Nederlands Inburgeringsexamen Buitenland
    Stand van zaken m.b.t. het inbrugeringsexamen
    MvJ/IND/INDIAC: Monitor Jan. 2007

    February 2007 Nederlandse Asiel Procedure
    Advies van de ACVZ voor een nieuwe asielprocedure
    ACVZ: Advies nr. 21 Secuur en Snel (volledige tekst)
    ACVZ: Advies nr. 21 (samenvatting)

    January 2007 Dutch Asylum Policy: Torture
    EHRM 11/01/2007, App. no. 1948/04
    Case Law: EHRM: Salah Sheekh vs. The Netherlands

    December 2006 Asielbeleid: Willekeur
    Uitspraken m.b.t. 14-1 brieven, 'schrijnendheid' en willekeur
    Case Law:
    Uitspraak van de Rb (z.p. A'dam) 07/07/2006
    Uitspraak van de Rb (z.p. Den Bosch) 19/12/2006
    Uitspraak van de ABRvS 21/12/2006 inzake het Hoger Beroep

    December 2006 Project Terugkeer: Lokale effecten in Nijmegen
    Rapport van A. Böcker en J.C. de Heer over de effecten in Nijmegen van het Project Terugkeer
    CMR: Rapport

    August 2006 Evaluatie Vreemdelingenwet 2000
    Deze evaluatie bestaat uit meerdere deelrapporten en een 'algemeen' advies
    Advies Het eindadvies en bespreking van de deelonderzoeken
    Procesevaluatie Over de Implementatie van de Vw 2000
    Zorgvuldigheid Over de kwaliteit van de beslissingen
    Terugkeerbeleid Over het Terugkeerbeleid en het Operationeel Toezicht Vreemdelingen
    Doorlooptijd Over doorlooptijden asielprocedures
    (English summaries are included)

    June 2006 Categoriaal beschermingsbeleid, een 'nood zaak'
    Advies van de ACVZ mbt het Categoriaal Beschermingsbeleid
    (An English summary is included as of page 65)

    June 2006 Comparative Study on Categorized Protection
    Voorstudie i.h.k.v. een advies van de ACVZ mbt het Categoriaal Beschermingsbeleid
    Voorstudie 1
    International Centre for Migration Policy Development

    June 2006 Effecten van groepsgebonden asielbeleidsmaatregelen
    Voorstudie i.h.k.v. een advies van de ACVZ mbt het Categoriaal Beschermingsbeleid
    Voorstudie 2
    CMR, Carolus Grütters

    Rainer Bauböck, Eva Ersboll, Kees Groenendijk and Harald Waldrauch (eds.)

    January 2006 Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Umsetzung aufenthalts- und asylrechtlicher Richtlinien der Europäischen Union Gesetzentwurf zum Änderungsgesetz

    December 2005 Guide du droit international des migrations et du statut des etrangers et acces aux sources internet RSCAS - CARIM
    Francois Lafarge

    September 2005 DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals Com.2005.391

    August 2005 Common principles on removal of irregular migrants and rejected asylum seekers NGOremoval.pdf

    February 2005 ECJ - Oulane Case Law: C-215/03

    Dec 2003 Asieldynamiek Carolus Grütters, dissertatie

    June 2004 German Migration Act (2004) GMA: version of 2004

    December 2002 The Schengen Acquis (3 parts) Schengen Acquis part 1
    Schengen Acquis part 2
    Schengen Acquis part 3

    September 2002 Guide to the European Union Guide.EU.pdf

    July 2002 ECJ - Mrax Case Law: C-459/99

    July 2002 ECJ - Carpenter Case Law: C-60/00

    June 2002 German Migration Act (2002) GMA: version of 2002

    June 2002 ECHR - Al-Nashif Case Law: 50963/99

    June 2002 European Border Police Final report

    May 2001 Moving the Borders of Europe Inaugural Lecture, Elspeth Guild

    April 2000 The Legal Status of Third Country Nationals who are long-term residents in a Member State of the EU Legal Status (2000)
    by Kees Groenendijk, Elspeth Guild and Robin Barzilay
    Report published by the Council of Europe (120 pages)

    January 2000 Comparative study of member states on immigration law, with special reference to deportation and administrative detention (report on The Netherlands) Expulsion 2000

    May 1998 Persecution by Third Parties Vermeulen, Spijkerboer, Zwaan & Fernhout 1998

    Centre for Migration Law - Radboud University Nijmegen - The Netherlands
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