Newsletter on European Migration Issues

NEMIS is a newsletter designed for judges who need to keep up to date with EU developments in migration and borders law.
This newsletter contains all European legislation and jurisprudence on
  • access and residence rights of third country nationals, as well as
  • relevant national judgments on the interpretation of this legislation.
  • This newsletter is cumulative: it contains all relevant, updated, info from previous editions.

    Also check our other Newsletters

    • NEAIS: on European Asylum Issues
    • NEFIS: on EU Citizenship and Free Movement of Persons Issues
    • CJEU: overview of CJEU judgments and pending cases on migration

    2024 (Vol 15) NEMIS 2024/2 (Jun 2024)
    NEMIS 2024/1 (Mar 2024)

    2023 (Vol 14) NEMIS 2023/4 (Dec 2023)
    NEMIS 2023/3 (Sep 2023)
    NEMIS 2023/2 (Jun 2023)
    NEMIS 2023/1 (Mar 2023)

    2022 (Vol. 13) NEMIS 2022/4 (Dec 2022)
    NEMIS 2022/3 (Sep 2022)
    NEMIS 2022/2 (Jun 2022)
    NEMIS 2022/1 (Mar 2022)

    2021 (Vol. 12) NEMIS 2021/4 (Dec 2021)
    NEMIS 2021/3 (Sep 2021)
    NEMIS 2021/2 (June 2021)
    NEMIS 2021/1 (March 2021)

    2020 (Vol. 11) NEMIS 2020/4 (December 2020)
    NEMIS 2020/3 (September 2020)
    NEMIS 2020/2 (June 2020)
    NEMIS 2020/1 (March 2020)

    2019 (Vol. 10) NEMIS 2019/4 (December 2019)
    NEMIS 2019/3 (September 2019)
    NEMIS 2019/2 (June 2019)
    NEMIS 2019/1 (March 2019)

    2018 (Vol. 9) NEMIS 2018/4 (December 2018)
    NEMIS 2018/3 (October 2018)
    NEMIS 2018/2 (June 2018)
    NEMIS 2018/1 (March 2018)

    2017 (Vol. 8) NEMIS 2017/4 (December 2017)
    NEMIS 2017/3 (September 2017)
    NEMIS 2017/2 (June 2017)
    NEMIS 2017/1 (March 2017)

    2016 (Vol. 7) NEMIS 2016/4 (December 2016)
    NEMIS 2016/3 (September 2016)
    NEMIS 2016/2 (June 2016)
    NEMIS 2016/1 (March 2016)

    2015 (Vol. 6) NEMIS 2015/4 (December 2015)
    NEMIS 2015/3 (September 2015)
    NEMIS 2015/2 (May 2015)
    NEMIS 2015/1 (February 2015)

    2014 (Vol. 5) NEMIS 2014/4 (Winter 2014)
    NEMIS 2014/3 (Autumn 2014)
    NEMIS 2014/2 (Summer 2014)
    NEMIS 2014/1 (Spring 2014)

    2013 (Vol. 4) NEMIS 2013/4 (Oct. 2013)
    NEMIS 2013/3 (July 2013)
    NEMIS 2013/2 (Apr. 2013)
    NEMIS 2013/1 (Jan. 2013)

    2012 (Vol. 3) NEMIS 2012/4 (Oct. 2012)
    NEMIS 2012/3 (July 2012)
    NEMIS 2012/2 (Apr. 2012)
    NEMIS 2012/1 (Jan. 2012)

    2011 (Vol. 2) NEMIS # 4 (Sep. 2011)
    NEMIS # 3 (June 2011)
    NEMIS # 2 (Mar. 2011)

    2010 (Vol. 1) NEMIS # 1 (Dec. 2010)

    Editorial Board
    Carolus Grütters CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Karen GeertsemaCMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Paul MinderhoudCMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Jens Vedsted-HansenUniversity of Aarhus (DK)
    Tesseltje De Lange CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Elspeth Guild CMR - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
    Steve Peers University of London (UK)
    Bostjan Zalar President Europe Chapter IARMJ

    Published by Centre for Migration Law (CMR)
    Radboud University
    The Netherlands
    ISSN 2212-9154

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